Pregnancy is the period of life when the health of two bodies—the mother and the developing fetus—has to be taken into consideration. With more and more products containing CBD entering the market for various concerns in health, concerns about the use of CBD during pregnancy were raised by many pregnant women.

It is important to know
- Practical Tips For Using CBD While Pregnant
- Can You Use CBD While Breastfeeding?
- CBD Safe Alternatives for Pregnancy
- Weighing CBD’s Pros and Cons for Pregnancy
Introduction to CBD
Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a non-psychoactive compound or element from the cannabis plant compound such as THC both found in the hemp plant. Many people consume it intending to provide beneficial results for their health by reducing anxiety, calming pain, or enhancing the quality of sleep. However, the use of CBD during pregnancy is heavily debated, and expectant mothers should consult with their health practitioners about CBD products before administration to ensure their and the baby’s safety.
Below, we have included current information and expert opinions concerning the use of CBD or marijuana use during pregnancy to enable pregnant moms to make informed decisions concerning their health.
Using CBD While Pregnant?
Pregnancy is a life-changing experience for any woman. As expectant mothers sail through this tender moment, some search for alternative remedies like CBD to mitigate the discomforts or chronic pain, nausea, and anxiety that characterize this period.
FDA strongly advises, ‘Do not put yourself or your baby at potential risk by using cannabis products while pregnant or breastfeeding’. 1Dalterio SL, deRooij DG. Maternal cannabinoid exposure. Effects on spermatogenesis in male offspring. Int J Androl. 1986 Aug;9(4):250-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.1986.tb00888.x. PMID: 3026968. However, careful consideration and consultation with healthcare professionals must be done before deciding to use CBD during pregnancy. We will examine some practical tips on how to bring CBD into your antenatal care program in a safe way.

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals
You should consult a medical professional in regards to implementing CBD into your prenatal routine. Your obstetrician or midwife can give you individual advice, taking account of your previous medical conditions, current health condition, and special needs.
Discuss possible potential risks and be open about your intention to use CBD. They will help you decide what is best for you and the child.
Can You Use CBD While Breastfeeding?
Although interest in CBD oil has surged lately because of the perceived possible therapeutic benefits, its safety in pregnancy is yet to be established. There is inadequate evidence to explain its safety for the development of the fetus.
High doses of CBD have disrupted the reproductive system of the developing male fetus in pregnant test animals. Moreover, based on today’s understanding of CBD, we would think some amount of CBD will be transferred to babies via breast milk. 2 What you should know about using cannabis, including CBD, when pregnant or breastfeeding. (2019, octubre). FDA. Recover August 6, 2024, from A few available studies suggest that CBD may cross the placental barrier and influence the development of a fetus. This could hence lead to long-term effects.
Pregnancy-Safe CBD Alternatives
Fortunately, several pregnancy-safe alternatives exist for CBD that can help alleviate common issues without the possible risks. You might want to put on your radar natural remedies such as ginger, magnesium, and vitamin B when thinking of wellness during this time.
Ginger is helpful against morning sickness and digestive issues during pregnancy symptoms and has been reported to be effective against nausea. Fresh ginger, ginger tea, or ginger supplement forms all are safe and effective ways to help manage nausea and vomiting experienced during pregnancy.
This mineral is extremely necessary and plays a huge role in muscular functions, relaxation, and sleep. Magnesium can relieve muscle cramps, restless legs, and insomnia, which are common complaints of pregnant women. If possible, stick with magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate for better absorption and less gastrointestinal side effects.
Vitamin B
The B vitamins also become some of the critical nutrients during pregnancy because they have major roles in energy production, brain function, and the nervous system. Include the food sources of B vitamins such as leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, and legumes to support overall health and well-being.
Weighing CBD’s Pros and Cons for Pregnancy
The decision to use CBD during pregnancy requires careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks. While some women may be able to find relief from pregnancy-related symptoms with CBD, the lack of conclusive evidence and the potential for fetal exposure warrants a cautious approach.
For pregnant women seeking relief during this transformative journey, it is vital to consult with healthcare providers, explore alternative options, and prioritize safety. It’s important to stay informed and make decisions that align with your health goals and your baby’s well-being as CBD research continues to evolve.
Conclusion: More Research Needed
Serious research into the effects of CBD use during pregnancy is long overdue. Longitudinal studies on maternal CBD use, fetal development, and offspring outcomes should be done to supply based, pertinent guidelines and recommendations. Only by prioritizing funding and collaboration for research can we better understand the effects of CBD use on expectant mothers and guarantee the safety of future generations.
This is the all-in-one guide to using CBD during pregnancy, complete with useful tips and considerations. Pregnant women must be able to make an informed decision by weighing the risks against the benefits and consulting a doctor or healthcare provider. More importantly, looking at other products and maintaining an update on the freshest research and findings on CBD would be very instrumental in navigating this with confidence and ease.
- Dalterio SL, deRooij DG. Maternal cannabinoid exposure. Effects on spermatogenesis in male offspring. Int J Androl. 1986 Aug;9(4):250-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.1986.tb00888.x. PMID: 3026968.
- What you should know about using cannabis, including CBD, when pregnant or breastfeeding. (2019, octubre). FDA. Recover August 6, 2024, from